The team at Wrights is gearing up for a major effort as Melbourne moves into its major events season. We will be providing public relations and reputation management support to many of the events – huge and small – that will take place in Melbourne over the next few months.

The Royal Melbourne Show kicks off next weekend and the AFL Grand Final, the weekend after that. The Spring Racing Carnival moves into full swing with Turnbull Stakes Day at Flemington the following Saturday.

Each of these events has huge local and interstate appeal with growing interest from international visitors. Melbourne has justly earned a reputation as the events capital of the world.

It is the dedication to ensuring people are kept informed and safe that helps build the reputation of events and the cities that host them.

The next three weekends provide just a taste of what to expect over Spring and Summer in Melbourne. But big events don’t just happen; and, while guests come to enjoy themselves, each of the events requires a huge team working behind the scenes to make sure Melbourne retains top spot as the city to visit to enjoy yourself.

The reputation that Melbourne and its events have gained over many years needs to be continually enhanced and protected. Each of these big events has a dedicated public relations team working to ensure all stakeholders have the information they need to get the most from their involvement.

When an issue arises, communications comes into its own. Guests, staff and participants need to know what to do, where to go and how to respond to changing conditions with the knowledge that organisers are acting with their best interests in mind.

In Melbourne, and around Australia, Wrights has become known as the big event specialists, publicising some of the country’s major events and ensuring that when an issue does arise, people are kept informed and involved, helping to maintain Melbourne’s reputation as the events capital.

Discover more of our work with events here.