Whenever could we be certain of what lies around the corner?

This pandemic is restricting our lifestyle and in many cases our ability to maintain our earning capacity. No doubt, all of us have had our lifestyle restricted at some time; perhaps through a sporting injury or elective surgery or a period of unemployment.

We have had to learn to adjust and cope with whatever limitations have been imposed by doctors or coaches or finances.

Some people take it in their stride and others let it throw their lives off track. Right now, we need to concentrate on flattening the curve, but we also need to understand that life goes on and will go on.

Many of the great leaps forward in life have been enabled by charitable works. Medical research, great public art collections, necessary humanitarian causes, works of cultural and historical importance and many animal and human wellbeing initiatives are dependent on the generosity of organisations and individuals.

Now is not the time to step back from giving.

For many people dollars are tight and future income is uncertain, so it is necessary to spend wisely and to save if possible because we are uncertain of what tomorrow holds. But it is also the time to continue to support the good works of others.

Many charities are struggling and they need your support. At Wrights we have worked with and contributed to many charities and we are continuing to do so through the lockdown.

Supporting those whose aim is to help others is an essential service; one that each person who is able, should undertake. Don’t desert your favourite charity now. It is right now that charities need your help, if they are to continue with their work and be in a position to assist with the recovery, when that time comes.

To a large extent, our future depends on them.

From the team at Wrights we give a special shout out to Make-A-Wish Australia and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) who we are proud to support because we know they are making a difference now and will continue to do so tomorrow.