It’s not as though last year was uneventful.  One big event captured the world and held it hostage.  In some countries, people recognising only individual freedoms chose to keep the virus as a controlling force.  In others, communities pulled together as a team to tame the beast; to placate it and keep it in its place.   

The world did not respond as one and some jurisdictions based their response to the virus on fantastic works of partisan fiction as opposed to science.  

Vaccines are now trickling into society and the usual suspects are the first recipients; those countries that have not been so good at self-discipline They have expected science to provide the solution, while ignoring the scientific facts.   

Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson will deliver the goods and politicians should ensure they are made available to everyone in every country, no matter their wealthrace, religion and political views. 

History will record a new story of working together to tame COVID-19.  People will be able to go about their lives again and shine a light on human rights, the environment, adequate food and clean water, shelter, education, health care and community. 

In 2020, genuineness was a victim There was so much duplicity in the media. It was almost impossible to know what was true or false.  Fact fused with fiction. 

When big business and politicians abandon integrity, when the communication channels don’t discern and when the regulators lose control, who points to the truth? 

The onus surely lies with the individual. But in an era of outsourced responsibility – pay $2 tariff to offset your carbon emissions – some people are devaluing their judgement too.  They are subcontracting their thinking to media platforms and communications channels because its easier than filtering fact from fiction.   

This approach switches the obligation onto the public relations industry to play a larger role in transparency of communication.  Never before have so many depended on communications professionals @PRIA @PRSA @CIPR @IABC @IPRA to act ethically; to provide the corporate conscience. 

It is critical that communicators act with sound judgement in the interests of the planet and those who live on it.  Professional communicators must make discernments that many politicians, commentators and corporate leaders fail to make. 

The world deserves decisions based on facts not fabrication.