Social media anonymity provides an opening for unowned, unsubstantiated and often unwelcome opinions, which reflect deeper issues concerning people who are not prepared or not able to raise their hands in public.

It therefore makes sense that not all anonymous comments should be dismissed as lacking credibility.  Determining which anonymous opinions to engage with is key to providing an early warning on potential issues and can be a pointer to when and how to act to avoid reputational damage.

In a world where sharing opinions was once a measure of public sentiment, individuals would openly express their views, enabling a balanced debate leading to informed decision making.  However, social media’s anonymity has led to a proliferation of unsupported opinions which could provide an insight into the writer’s motivation and underlying issues.

The challenge lies in discerning which anonymous comments to engage with.  As a rule, do not respond to trolling or provocation; abusive or threatening comments; baseless criticism or personal attacks.  But do not ignore those opinions.

With social media platforms being unregulated, anonymous content often provides a candid view of how people are feeling and how they might act.

Wrights understands the merit in reviewing and analysing anonymous opinions that are critical of people, products, and organisations and how to use this information to advantage in identifying issues and crafting communication.

Many anonymous opinions stem from psychological, social and situational factors. Anonymous opinion vented online can stem from personal issues or frustration, lack of empathy, enjoyment of conflict or group dynamics and peer influence, or simply a feeling of not being heard.

The proliferation of social media platforms allows people unable or unwilling to express themselves openly to voice their feelings anonymously. Social media has provided an ideal outlet to let off steam.

Anonymous opinions should not be ignored as they are often trying to prove or disprove a point or expose an underlying issue. Often the anonymous opinion is a cry for help or an expression of frustration.

Contemplate engaging with anonymous constructive criticism. Respond to clarify misinformation, build community trust and demonstrate positive engagement.

Addressing the impact of anonymous opinion involves fostering resilience, promoting positive interactions, and creating environments where constructive feedback is encouraged and valued over negativity.

This can help diminish the undue influence of hurtful anonymous opinion and build a more supportive online community.